To optimize for a high number of sign-ups on your Repeat post-purchase opt-in form, you will want to make sure that there are no conflicting modals on your order confirmation page.

Customers visiting this page are often coming from an order confirmation or shipping confirmation email. It is possible that a "first-time visitor" pop-up will appear to customers on this page even though this is likely not your intention (e.g., "get 10% off your first order"). This type of pop-up does not make sense on an order confirmation or order status page, so it is best to add the appropriate logic to avoid this from happening.

How to assess if this is an issue

To check for this, go to Shopify → Orders → click on an order →click on More Actions → View order status page and see if any pop-ups appear that should not be on your order confirmation page:

How to disable pop-ups on the order confirmation page

When adding the below targeting - make sure to use "OR" statements and not "NOT" statements to separate each of the URL terms.

Best practice is to make sure any of your pop-ups intended for your Shopify Store do not also appear on your order confirmation page.

The URL structure of your order confirmation page is typically

{your domain}/####/###/thank_you

Therefore, you should update your pop-up targeting within your third-party app by excluding them on pages where:

URL contains the term "thank_you"

How to disable pop-ups on the order status page

When your customer clicks their order confirmation email to check the status of their order, they are taken to your Shopify order status page. If you do not exclude this page from your "first-time visitor" pop-up, it can appear on this page if they haven't signed up for it in the past.

If this is not the desired behavior, you'll want to exclude the order status page from your pop-up targeting.

The URL structure of your order confirmation page is typically

{your domain}/####/orders/#####

Therefore, you should update your pop-up targeting within your third-party app by excluding them on pages where: