Example Insights Section of a Repeat Dashboard

Example Insights Section of a Repeat Dashboard


On the Insights section of your Repeat dashboard, you can see data related to the overall history of your store.

About the data analyzed:

Section 1: Product-Level Data

In this section, you will see data relating to specific products. This data answers the question: How often are my customers reordering my products at a per variant level?

Overview: Replenishment Intervals

A replenishment interval is the time (in days) between a purchase and a repeat purchase. In this case, we're looking at the time between purchases specifically related to a particular product/variant.

In the example below, 25% of Baja Cactus's customers who previously purchased the Face Wash - Eucalyptus reorder the Face Wash - Eucalyptus again by day 51.

product variant 25th percentile median 75th percentile mean customers analyzed
Face Wash Eucalyptus 51 days 74 days 128 days 94 days 12,012
Face Wash Lavender 59 days 90 days 178 days 121 days 11,234

How to navigate this data

Column Definitions

product: Product Name in Shopify

variant: Variant Name in Shopify

25th percentile: 25% of customers have repurchased the same variant by this point

median: 50% of customers have repurchased the same variant by this point