When “How Brands Grow” tore through CPG marketing offices several years ago, one of the core messages was that the key to growth is increasing the purchasing frequency of extremely light buyers. No small task.

The book, if you haven’t read it, outlines how to do that. But this isn’t a book review, so we’re going to interject: Repeat can help here. In fact, this is exactly what Repeat’s designed to do.

There are a few tricks to making that happen. Let’s walk through them.

(This guide relies heavily on our Opt-In Landing page. If you aren't familiar with it, spend a few minutes getting up to speed here.)

How Repeat Works

A Brief Refresher: How Repeat Works

The Foundational Plays

The Order Confirmation Page

The Post-Purchase Flow

The Catch-All Reminder

The Extra Credit Plays

The Personalized Pop-Up

The Packaging Insert

The Ad

The SMS Ask


Haven’t read “How Brands Grow”? Lost your copy? Shared it with a colleague who never gave it back? We got you. Check off all three Foundational Plays, and we’ll send you a copy.

📕 [Claim Your Copy](mailto:[email protected][email protected]&subject=Free%20copy%20of%20%22How%20Brands%20Grow%22&body=Hi!%0D%0A%0D%0AWe%20knocked%20out%20the%20three%20Foundational%20Plays%20to%20building%20a%20Repeat%20list.%20Can%20you%20send%20us%20a%20free%20copy%20of%20%22How%20Brands%20Grow%22%3F) 📕
